Monday, August 26, 2013

I'm Going Back to Cali

Well, it was time for me to fly back out to California. Even though I live in Tennessee, I spend a lot of time in Los Angeles. At first, I was dreading it, but it turns out my best friend had to come out too! I am super excited because we never get to see each other. He lives in a different part of TN and he sometimes lives in Florida, so we pretty much only see each other if we both happen to be in California.

Anyway, now it's time for my rant. I hate flying! It's not that I'm afraid of it or anything, it's just SO stressful. First of all, there's security. They always test my hands for bomb residue! I mean, I appreciate the fact that they think I'm smart enough to make a bomb, but I'm also very agitated because it takes extra time that I don't need to waste. Then when I finally got out of security, my guitar case fell on my hand and made me break a blood vessel.

All in all, it's been a pretty bad day. I hope when I see my friend, everything will get better. :)

-- B

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