Saturday, August 24, 2013

We are Family

Last night, I drove down with my family to Georgia to see the rest of my family for a family reunion. Wow, how many times can you say "family" in a sentence? Anyway, this time I am seeing my, um, what do you call them? It's my dad's half-sister's kids... For now, I'm going to call them my... half-cousins. That makes sense, right? Yeah.

Like I was saying, I am seeing my half-cousins and I realized just how weird it is to see family that you don't really know. It's possibly more awkward than meeting a complete stranger. At least with a complete stranger, you have a reason not to know them. With family, it's different. You feel like you should know them and you shouldn't be awkward around them but the fact that you're trying not to be awkward makes everything more awkward! Or even worse, when you run into like a great aunt or something and she talks about all this time you spent together when you were a baby but you don't remember them and then they get all offended and you're like, "Sorry, I don't remember the times I was in diapers!"


Obviously this happens to me a lot. The thing is I live in Tennessee and none of my other family lives there so I never really get a chance to see my extended family. I see each set of grandparents and cousins once a year and that's it, so on the rare occasion that I see any other family members, chances are I don't remember them.

Perhaps, I'm being a little dramatic. I mean, it's family, they can't be but so bad... right?

-- B

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