Sunday, September 1, 2013


First of all, I want to apologize for not posting lately. I got SUPER busy all of a sudden and couldn't keep up.

Everyone has that one friend that hashtags WAY too much. Like, seriously, you need to go to #rehab. There was one picture that my friend posted that I took a screencap of because I knew nobody would believe me when I told them. 30 FREAKING HASHTAGS! Who in the world uses 30 hashtags?!! Like, #overkill. #ForReals #people #annoying #KILLMENOW

If you haven't seen it already, go ahead and check the video below out. It gives an extremely accurate description of all of the annoying people on the internet. #ByTheWay, this is not meant to offend anyone. I'm definitely guilty of a few of these. *ahem* Grammar Nazi *ahem*

-- B

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