Sunday, September 29, 2013

This is Halloween

It's official. I'm boycotting Halloween. Why, you ask? Because it's stupid!

The only good part about Halloween is the candy. Everything else sucks! You have to put on some costume that itches so bad that by the end of the night, you genuinely think your skin has fallen off. You walk around for hours in shoes that are super uncomfortable begging for people to give you candy. But this isn't even the worst part. Oh no, there is something much worse.

People are constantly scaring you! I don't know about you, but I am a total wimp when it comes to being scared. Then, people make fun of you when you won't go in the haunted house so you do go in the haunted house and you start shaking like a chihuahua and then you end up bawling in a corner.

Yep, last year sucked.

Another thing I don't understand, people paying money to be scared to death! Who wants to go on a hayride, or in a maze, or in a house, or in a graveyard to wet themselves?!?!

Basically, I hate Halloween. So, who wants to join me in the fight to vanquish this horrid holiday once and for all?!

-- B

Sunday, September 1, 2013


First of all, I want to apologize for not posting lately. I got SUPER busy all of a sudden and couldn't keep up.

Everyone has that one friend that hashtags WAY too much. Like, seriously, you need to go to #rehab. There was one picture that my friend posted that I took a screencap of because I knew nobody would believe me when I told them. 30 FREAKING HASHTAGS! Who in the world uses 30 hashtags?!! Like, #overkill. #ForReals #people #annoying #KILLMENOW

If you haven't seen it already, go ahead and check the video below out. It gives an extremely accurate description of all of the annoying people on the internet. #ByTheWay, this is not meant to offend anyone. I'm definitely guilty of a few of these. *ahem* Grammar Nazi *ahem*

-- B